Gunner, an American Action thriller film is set to be released on August 16, 2024. Directed by Dimitri Logothetis and written by Gary Scott Thompson, the film stars Luke Hemsworth – Colonel Lee Gunner and Morgan Freeman as Kendrick Ryker. Gunner is expected to be about family, loyalty and survival.
Story Outline:
Colonel Lee Gunner is a war veteran who wishes to reconnect with his sons Luke and Travis. He goes on a trip to the woods with his sons and uncle Jon but it is cut short when uncle Jon steps on a trip wire which leads to an explosion. This attracts a drug dealing biker gang. What the gang does not know is the skills Colonel Gunner possesses. As the situation escalates, Gunner’s sons end up being captured by Dobbs, who is the son of Kendrick Ryker who happens to be a drug lord. Mr. Gunner, full of rage, goes looking for his sons and fights Ryker.
- Colonel Lee Gunner on Vermin filled skin of Luke Hemsworth
- Kendrick Ryker – the namesake of the great Morgan Freeman
- Dobbs Ryker – a character immortalised by Mykel Shannon Jenkins
- Claire – Played by Yulia Klass
- Luke Gunner was casted to Grant Feely
- Travis Gunner will be played by Connor DeWolfe
- Wally Harper a Deputy was played by Joseph Baena
- Sean Keller was played by Maurice P. Kerry
The movie shot in Birmingham Alabama and in Bessemer Alabama during the latter part of March 2023 and April respectively. The post production of the movie took place in mid 2023 and it was released on 16 August 2024 over select theaters and digital platforms.
Critical reception:
Gunner was listening to mixed reviews and in some cases, the reviews were downright negative. Jeffrey M Anderson provided the movie with a two out of Five star rating and blamed the movie on the excessive build up of Action sequences and characters in lieu of suffering editing and slow pacing. Same sentiments were echoed by Matthew Donato of Collider who gave the movie a miserable 3 out of L0 rating and branded the movie with having almost no redeemable qualities of sorts. Low rating was also provided on the popular site rottentomatoes, the movie was dragged on due to its lackluster execution and plots.
Audience Reception:
The reception from audiences was in conjunction with the critics as several fans complained over the lack of execution the film possessed. Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and other sites claimed that the film had poor acting, embarrassing special effects and a feeling of lost opportunity; this was especially bad considering how great of an actor Morgan Freeman is. Some audiences did raise concerns regarding Freemans participation due to the expectation attached with his name.
“Gunner” wished to provide an adrenaline pumping action thriller with the PoW of both Luke Hemsworth and Morgan Freeman. But, both the audience and the critics agree that the movie has its own gaps related to depth, character growth and production quality of the film with its several flaws. Sadly, from the few good action sequences and the attractive actors, if you are in search of a good believable thrilling movie, sadly “Gunner” surely does not deliver.
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