“American Kamasutra” is a romantic drama American movie by Jacky St. James released in 2018. It bases itself on Kama Sutra to explore the ideas of love, relationships and desire in modern context. The movie interprets love through a complex perspective.
Ashley, in Kamasutra, falls in love with Justin Berti who plays the character of an erotic novelist narrating fiction animations. Ashley’s character, kiersey clemons, finds herself grappling with self betrayal, and deep passion, which further complicates her relationship with Berti. The intention of the writers and producers was to portray love in all its layered forms of emotional interconnection.
Cast and Crew:
- Director: Jacky St. James
- Screenplay: Jacky St. James, Paul Fishbein
- Justin Berti as Elliott
- Victoria Levine as Jules
- Ashlynn Yennie as Ashley
- Kevin Nelson as Raif
- Raylin Joy as Dylan
Critical Reception:
Both the critics and the audience largely panned “American Kamasutra.” “Undemonstrative work of the stylish looks of popular fighters of ‘reactive cinema’ celebrated over bombastic but relatively clumsy ‘film’” reads its Rotten Tomatoes feature.
Its IMDb user reviews criticize the poor acting, mediocre scripting and the misapplication of its erotic theme as factors that tarnished the movie’s reputation. To quote one review, “This is just another ‘Mommy porn’ rip off now called ‘50 Shades’, acting and script were horrendous.
Another Letterboxd review adds, “Raylin Joy rings a bell as the best actor in it. She appears to be the only one who actually grasped that. It’s meant to be an erotic drama/thriller. ”
Comparison to “Fifty Shades Of Grey”:
The Character relationships and storylines of “American Kamasutra” very closely resemble the “Fifty Shades Of Grey” setting however the former was a let down as it did not have a gripping plot to portray.
In the words of one reviewer on IMDb, “This movie is basically a replica of Submission Is there even a point to watching this’’ A Total and Absolute Waste Of Time’. In this review we will cover the performance metrics of this movie.”
“American Kamasutra” is in principle an erotic drama that wants to be set in the present times, however, it wants to be an erotic drama but fails. With a weak plot structure and even weaker performances within their roles, this film has been largely unnoticed by both the audience and the critics alike. It has claimed to touch on difficult issues of love and desire but the critics and the audience at large feel that in the end they’ve done a bad job. If you are looking for a good romantic drama, it’s a good bet that “American Kamasutra” is not going to be of any value or entertainment.
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