“Bedroom Story,” written and directed by Courtney Daniels, is an American romantic comedy-drama that was released in 2020. The film provides insights into how one’s personal dreams and society impacts a person’s long-term marriage, especially when life suddenly throws challenges at them.
The plot is based around a married couple who are together for 15 years and reach a crucial point in their relationship. The wife, who is a novelist, is dejected by the criticism her new book received. Due to this, she starts to indulge in escapist behavior which strains her marriage with her husband who writes for television. As they each try to engage in fantasies about other people, they end up forcing each other to untangle the mess of marriage, personal desires and commitment that they each have.
Cast & Crew:
- Director and Writer: Courtney Daniels
Main Cast:
- Annie Cavalero as Kim,
- Michael Marc Friedman as Spencer,
- Gregory Hoyt as Alex,
- Christal Marie Deloney as Madison,
- Elisa Cawley as Literary Agent,
- Matt Ferrucci as Jake.
Critical Reception:
As per the user ratings , “Bedroom Story” has garnered a score of 4.40 out of 10 on neat image. The audience responses appears to be a little contradictory with some accepting the way the movie showcases a more thoughtful approach towards third galaxy marriage issues and others feeling the same aspects to be boring.
“Bedroom Story” observes the realities of surviving long term relationships especially when career and relationship commitments coincide. It has received a fair amalgamation of audience response but it manages to reinforce the relevance of cherish before you complete the dom areas regarding whether commitment improves the chances of overcoming the distresses or in seems impossible to achieve and how relationship in this case marriage feature on the list of goals. It is my opinion that “Bedroom Story” will also be enjoyable for those who watch character focused dramas set in the context of marriage now.
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