“Lie with Me” is a Canadian erotic drama released in 2005 by director Clement Virgo and is an adaptation of Tamara Faith Berger’s 2001 novel of the same name. The film explores various topics including sexuality, closeness and emotional exposure.
Leila (Lauren Lee Smith), a free-spirited woman from Toronto, has a number of one night stands while upholding a no-strings-attached policy. One night, she goes to a party where she meets David (Eric Balfour). David is an artist and a caretaker for his sick father. The two are immediately attracted to each other ending up in a variety of sexual encounters that soon turn into an affair. Leila’s recent parents divorce makes her apprehensive in giving up control of herself in relationships. She goes through a lot of emotional pressure and in the pursuit of a stronger emotional bond David complicates the already fragile situation.
Crew & Cast:
- Eric Balfour stepped into David’s shoes
- Michael Facciolo was cast as a Shy Guy
- Mayko Nguyen played Victoria’s Friend
- Polly Shannon essayed as a role of Victoria
- Kate Lynch was starred as Marla
- Lauren Lee Smith featured as Leila
- Nicola Lipman with Rabbi
- As Joel – The Groom, Frank Chiesurin featured
- Ron White easy and Ben
- Richard Chevolleau are Vigorous
- Joshua donned by Don Francks
- Rachael by Kristin Lehman
- Marry Singer by Theresa Tova
- Theresa Tova portraying ‘The Wedding Singer’
Directed and edited by Susan Maggi alongside famed Barry Stone, the film features the soundtrack, Broken Social Scene. Annelise Noronha appeases the audience by adding music to the film.
Notable mentions:
With a 50% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, one could deduce that ‘Lie with Me’ received mixed to average feedback, particularly with regard to the cinematography and editing. While the sassy ending was overly stretched, the acting along with the end did seem rather dreamy. Felperin & Norhand tagged the film as western porn. Seeing as the film blatantly creates a porn-like atmosphere, it was needless to say the movie was rather dull. However, with regards to the prevalent society, the aimlessness kind of resonated as the root-less nature of ‘Lie with me’ gave insight into love and lust in today’s world.
In regards to the,‘Porn Like Setting’, ‘Lie with Me’ did seem over the top and it did make one cringe, on the other hand it has its appeal in the eye of those looking for amore in today’s world.
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